Volunteer Managers Hybrid Conference

Leveraging Technology in a Human World


2305 Platt Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Oct 23 2024
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM EST


Kristen Cibulskis
Engagement Director
(248) 658-8059

Volunteer Managers Hybrid Conference: Creating Influence in Your Organization: Thinking Beyond ‘A Seat at the Table’

PLEASE NOTE: Registration is full. To add yourself to the waitlist, please email Volunteer@UnitedWaySEM.org.

The most frequently asked question at previous conferences has been related to how a Leader of Volunteers can have management level influence in their organization. This year, at the 10th annual Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference, we'll be answering that question with a variety of experiences shared by some of your peers in volunteer management who have found a way. Each speaker this year has extensive experience in the field and has a great story to tell. This will be a conference you don't want to miss.

Better Impact and the Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement (Al!ve) brings you this one day, in-person conference, hosted by United Way for Southeastern Michigan and the University of Michigan Ginsberg Center, sponsored by Washtenaw Association of Volunteer Coordinators.

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